This is


Our mission is to create a better financial future for our Customers. As we pursue that mission, we are guided by our culture and a set of principles that we focus on what we stand for.“Customer’s interests first” - always. We speak with the courage of our belief. We say what we do and do what we say. We have a responsibility to be the voice of the customers and we represent each customer fairly and equally.

Where Innovation
Meets Experience.

We empower highly ambitious people

Indians as a people, prefer personal contact to fully online experiences. Our PoSP is a ‘Tech enabled’ Salesperson who uses technology to study Insurance, and also to educate the PROSPECT. The PoSP vertical is co-branded with the National Skill Development Corporation International (N.S.D.C International LTD.)

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Work for the best result possible

The Company’s main strategy revolves around using dynamic young people, in the age group 18 to 25 years, and train them as Insurance Professionals.

The training would be to certify Composite PoSP, in both Life and Non-Life. The PoSP Training by the Company will be completely Free of Cost.

Redefining Relationship’s

Create Value for your peer network

Our Team of Insurance Professionals, with over 30 years of Insurance Experience, backed by an in-house diagnostic software that helps match your Needs to the most appropriate Insurance Policy ensures that you get the best. Always.

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